What time does Select and Save on the Stratford Road close?

Select and Save is a supermarket on the Stratford Road in Birmingham. It’s at 870 Stratford Road in Sparkhill.

It’s not the only Select and Save (or Select & Save), there’s also one in Moseley, but we don’t know what time that one closes.

The Select and Save website says that it “was formed in 1997 by two entrepreneurs. Since its launch this convenience store symbol group for independent retailers has grown from 2 stores to over 100 across the UK, and is still growing. Select & Save retailers are supported by our two regional offices based in the Midlands and the North-East.”

It sells “Food Products, Baked Goods, Grocery Stores, Meat Products, Beverages” but does a special line — from what we can tell — in fruit and vegetables that you should cook that very day lest they go off.

CC By: Elliot Brown
CC By: Elliot Brown

We can’t find a photo of it on Flickr and it’s not on Google streetview either, so erm, here’s a photo of the inside of a supermarket. It’s an Asda.

Also, we don’t know what time it shuts. Maybe 8pm? The one in Moseley opens later, but we can’t be sure. Maybe call them… 01217785550